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GSoC 2021 ยท Part III - Merge Requests and GUADEC


In the last post, I talked about how I've started working on Implementing active resource management in GNOME, creating an extension to track windows and setting extended attributes along with tinkering with uresourced to handle these events. A lot of time has passed and I want to highlight how the project has progressed since then.

Updates to uresourced

uresourced is the place where most of the changes have taken place, I am done with implementing the basic structure for monitoring changes and then allocating resources. A better way to explain these changes would be to describe the modules.

We have r-app-monitor which recursively monitors changes to the app.slice directory and sub-directories, I.e. the cgroups inside app.slice and emits changed signals. Then we have r-app-policy which on receiving these signals makes allocation decision based on 2 indicators the timestamp, which indicates whether the application is currently active and boosted, to give additional boost to a particular application regardless of it being active or not.

After having this structure in place I started working on using an additional indicator, pipewire in this case to allocate more CPU weight to an application currently playing audio and that's why we have the boosted flag. This serves as a heuristic for detecting interactive applications so that they aren't as throttled as non-active applications.

You can check out the code here: uresourced MR

Updates to mutter

So having an extension which does the job of setting extended attributes on cgroup directories is fine for testing but we obviously want these things to happen in a more subtle way and that's where mutter comes into play. Like the PID associated with every MetaWindow we also plan on having a cgroup associated with it. For now it's a GFile identifying the cgroup directory for that particular MetaWindow and hence the application. Whenever there's a focus update detected the code takes care of updating the timestamp xattr on that application's cgroup directory.

New code in mutter: mutter MR

How about providing a portal to manage cgroups?

Talking about more places where we can utilize these cgroup features, we have currently put up a proposal to implement a way for large applications to manage multiple worker processes. This will be beneficial in providing better resource distribution and isolating bad actors.

A portal where one can manage worker processes independently of systemd will allow applications to further divide their processes into separate scopes(cgroups) and provide more information about them. The desktop environment(resource control daemons) can then act on this information if desired.

We would appreciate any feedback on this: xdg-desktop-portal Issue

My first ever GUADEC

I gave my very first presentation at this years GUADEC Intern Lightning Talks and the whole event was an amazing experience for me! Right from getting to know what other interns have been working on, to the positive feedback from people in this community. I did attend a few other talks and BoFs and was truly fascinated by the work that has been going on.

You can check out my talk here: GUADEC presentation and Slides Used